Wednesday 23 September 2009

Is Your Blog The Center of The Universe?

I know, I know…the questions sounds arrogant and trite, huh?

But take a few minutes and think about it. Do you consider your blog the center of the universe? If I’m being honest with myself, I’d have to say that I do. I feel my blog is the center of the universe.

When I get out of bed in the morning, the first thing I look at are my comments, trackbacks, and feed subscriptions. I also take a peek (and I do mean a peek) at my stats – looking for referrers, keywords, bounce rate and unique visitors. Then I set off to writing about the topic of the day. The whole time I’m focused on my blog.

Sure, I’m there for my readers. I write content that I hope is interesting, engaging, and helpful to them. And I love engaging in the conversation that often stems from my posts.

Yet, I’m also blogging for me. I’m blogging because I want to draw readers to my blog. I want people to come to my little corner of the world enter my universe, interact with me and decide whether I can help them with their business. So I’m directly blogging to increase awareness, interest and the growth of my business.

What I’ve learned is that my blog is the center of my universe – hence, it’s the center of the universe. Since my day begins and ends with it, marketing my business is through it, and most of my client contacts are because of it, how can I think of it any other way.

But the question that intrigues me most isn’t whether my blog is the center of my universe. Rather, the question I think all business bloggers should ask themselves is is my blog the center of my target audience’s universe?

That should be the goal of every business blogger: to engage your specific, target niche of people who your business can best serve. Then, write content that they simply can’t live without. And if you’re in to the growing the conversation, having rich, lively and informative conversations on every post you possibly can. To do this:

  • Begin by being as clear as you can without yourself about what problem(s) you can solve for people.
  • Get really clear on who has the problem(s) that you and your business have the solutions for.
  • Find where those people ‘hang out’ and engage them with an openness, caring and compassion. Listen first – always.
  • Gently offer great content by showing them how their problems can be solved.
  • When they ask questions or post comments, be honoring and grateful and give them the most complete answer you can with your time.

Make your blog something that your readers and your target audience can’t do without. Then you’re blog can become the center of their universe.

How is your blog the center of the universe? AND, what can you be doing to make it so?


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